For more than a century, the Wells family has been committed to offering choices to those individuals served. We understand each family's needs are different. We provide a distinctive way of creating a service of remembrance that is as unique as the individual. This is what sets us apart from other funeral service providers. Our staff is well versed in the special traditions of all faiths to meet your family's needs. You can be assured we will attend to each and every detail on your behalf.
Our "General Price List" is available upon request and will show the different options available to families who request our services. We make every effort to provide services affordable to families of all means. We want each family to understand our pricing and the value of the options they choose.
Each of our staff is an advocate for advance planning of funeral services. We feel it is the best opportunity for someone to make wise decisions and choices regarding their funeral arrangements. We offer several payment options for pre-funding, and we would be happy to discuss those options with you in your home or on site at one of our locations.
Wells Funeral Homes, Inc. & Cremation Services is our community's only funeral home that owns and operates its own crematorium. This offers greater convenience for families choosing this option. Many people are not aware that traditional, memorial, or visitation services are available for families who choose cremation. Feel free to discuss these options with your director.
We are here to make sure that everything is done in accordance with your family's wishes.
Today, when individual attitudes require a variety of funeral service alternatives, your family will discover how we can customize a service to fulfill your personal needs.